Leonardo Rodriguez

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AI Japanese Tutor

A dynamic educational tool designed to enhance your Japanese learning experience with interactive flashcards and an AI chatbot.

Tech Used: OpenAI, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node

YouTube Blur Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension which gives users the ability to blur out the recommended videos in the homepage in order to avoid distractions.

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Super Smash Bros. Discord Bot

A discord bot capable of keeping track of open arenas in your discord server, allowing players to easily join a match.

Tech used: JavaScript, Discord.js

Plant Tracker API

An API for tracking a user's plants and creating a watering, repotting and fertilizing schedule.

Tech used: Python/Django


Inspired by the popular Wordle, Yerrrdle brings a unique twist to the classic word puzzle format by incorporating New York slang and colloquial terms.

Tech used: JavaScript, Next.JS

Memory Match Game

A multi-level web based game to test a player's memory.

Tech Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

FF7 Fan Page

A fan page based off of the Final Fantasy 7 video game.

Tech Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript